Mastering The Art of Change.


There are a lot of memes, messages and teachings saying that it is your internal art or skill that makes you happy. Some say that if you are waiting for a person who will change your life, look in the mirror. The art of being happy is the art of continuous change oriented towards the direct experience of your core state, your true nature.

Yes it is true, but those don’t tell you how to learn this skill of change —   a skill to be happy. This is an artistic skill of a different kind and the best way to learn it is to engage this art of change with a mentor or a teacher from whom you can receive veritable instructions and an access for feedback and inspiration.
Although it is not easy when we are determined to have a will and a strong desire, we can follow these seven principles that enable us to live in the change.

The not easy part is our worldview and a whole set of habits that we define ourselves within the context of reality. It is ingrained through our perception into neurology of the brain and therefore this is where most people give up. Mind you, they give up unconsciously as if being swallowed slowly by a swampy bog. Because the reality they experience, however unsatisfactory it may be appears more real to them than a future promise of a vision in a different way of being.

It is a legitimate response. We are so close to ourselves as a concept, that it feels literally like a case of craziness if we attempt to tinker with our perception by giving it a different narrative.

The amount of resistance is so big that unless our current system of coping with reality somehow is crushed, our subconscious habits will not release their holding power on our capacity to choose.
This is why it is important to have such a mentor, teacher or a group of spiritual friends that themselves are the practitioners of the Art of Change — Happiness.




Knowing who you are is the basis of the alchemy of transformation. Understanding that who you are is not a solid entity, but rather a rhythm of conscious awareness fluctuating from one moment to the next gives the power and optimism to change. Theoretically every moment of cognition holds the opportunity to choose. We can direct this rhythm through intention. This creative essence gives rise to a sense of an individual with corresponding action through conception, meaning and physical action. In other words, who you are — your soul is an ongoing creative process.


Clearly understanding that the change we desire to experience is not going to be in the future. What we choose to do now, how we choose to feel now, how we choose to believe now is a reflection of our understanding of what that change is. Therefore being clear on the understanding and the imagination of the change is paramount. The Art of Change requires this shift in a mindset from a passive polarity to the active. Behaving now as a that imagined changed person, is the most important shift.

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First thing on the path of change is importance of understanding that we experience life by not what happens to us, but how we respond to what happens to us. Clearly understanding this is crucial because it is a gateway to personal power to create. It is from here that we can gain confidence in the possibility of a different way of being, because we see that there is no unchangeable reality absolutely exists. That it rather is an interplay of our attitudes, beliefs and conditions or circumstances. And because it is such an interplay, by understanding our beliefs, both conscious and unconscious we can change them and intentionally plant seeds for having different experiences.


Majority of our beliefs are formed during early experiences of life. According to them we assign the meaning to what our brain perceives whether it is beneficial to us or not. They are a conclusions based on either on earlier experiences or a wholesale purchased from our environment of family, caretakers, teachers and authority figures. Even when they are limiting or plain dysfunctional — they continue to be operational because they are subconsciously explained as serving our hierarchy of survival needs.


Our internal experience is highly dependent on the attitude with which we respond to the world. Our attitude gives a tone to the experience of life. For example if we adapt an attitude of righteousness, then very often our entire experience begins to appear to us in need of correction and stricture.


There needs to be a clear understanding that our behavior reflects our beliefs and a secret self-talk behind the surface of the conscious awareness. When we recognize irrational or limiting beliefs and embrace more accurate ones, the will is required to act according to the new beliefs. The will is not something exerted externally, it is an exercise of unwavering focus on a chosen idea. We can use curiosity, imagination and openness to investigate and create different beliefs that serve us as guideposts of transformation.


Without having a reliable support, it is not easy to develop a clear path towards reality desirable change, let alone live it from day to day. The resistance of the past habits is very strong and it appears legitimately justified. To overcome it, we need an outside perspective and a motivational feedback to encourage us living in accordance with new chosen beliefs. Immersing ourselves into environment that is encouraging growth, instills inspiration and supports our choices is particularly important. This includes the type of influences and people to which we allow ourselves to be exposed.

And that’s why you would like to make an effective change by working with a mentor or a change facilitator.