Living Without Regrets.

Cost of Living With Regrets.

Not acting on your passion is to live every day with regret for the rest of your life. Many of us going about life consumed by reminiscing on things that we should’ve or shouldn’t done, not realizing how much creative energy we are leaking into interpretation of the past.

Regrets don’t come from the future. We’re making them into emotional experience of a present moment from the perspective directed into the past. For most of the times it is a tendency of the mind, that is set up to avoid loosing perceived comfort zone of inaction.
As a tendency it is a process of chronic choosing, often unrecognized.

It works as a self-fulfilling prophesy that continues to show up as a definition of identity and beliefs about oneself and reality. It might be caused by a belief that there’s something inherently wrong or defective with oneself and therefore there’s a fear that any decision made will be a loosing one. Therefore to avoid disappointing oneself again, the choice is made not to act on inspiration at all.

There’s an automatic framing of the results during the process of action as “wrong” or unsatisfactory due to the habit of looking for what could be wrong in order to preserve an idea of safety: not lose face, not to lose reputation, avoid experiencing pain or discomfort or not to loose money. This attachment to results creates bondage of doubt and fear of change – what is called a comfort zone. A choice to stay in comfort zone is a breeding ground of regrets.

Ride through Muth in Ladakh.

But the life is passing and with everyday it only grows shorter. This is reality of existence. Live your life, so that your epitaph would say “No Regrets”. This awareness is not to be used for becoming depressed, contrary — it is a reminder to fill life with meaning and not wait for the perfect moment to act on your inspiration. Or wait for the “right” conditions to be happy. Realizing this is to seize an impetus to live passionately, joyfully with a sense of awe and discovery.

And if you regret something in the past, it does not solve anything in the present, only makes you more resistant to life. It is time to let it go. Instead of “beating yourself up”, look back and say that with the information you had at the time, you had no better choice. Let all regret go.


A) Find your hart-felt inspiration
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C) Let Go Of Results
D) Dedicate It To The Highest Good Of All Concerned

When you act, first know why yo are acting. What is it for? What is your goal? By your goal, your results are created. Then go ahead and act. In your acting, have no doubt, no regrets, and no hesitation. Act all the way to the end. Then take responsibility for your actions. Your responsibility is what puts you in a position of power, because by owning your actions and their effects, you are in a position to respond. Choice of responsibility gives you response-ability.

Act with the joy, enthusiasm and finality of a person acting as if that was the last action they performed on earth before they passed on. This attitude would change how you would act. You would act with mindful consideration, full presence and engagement, relishing the action free from attachments to outcomes (because you wouldn’t be around to see them). Your full attention would be to really enjoy the process of the action and not the end of it. And you would act with power of determination, unwavering as in a last stand, free from fear and doubt.
You would observe the fear for what it is – a False Evidence Appear Real and act for sake of acting. Freed from attachment to the goal, any personal agenda or expected result. You would act for the decision driven by intention.

So don’t get attached to the outcome — have a goal to give your energy direction, but don’t get attached to a particular outcome in the present moment of Now. Because Right Now is your life, let it be. Do not hurry to say I am failing because something may not be clear or complete. That attachment narrows down the whole of potential into a negative view and leads only to creation of more negativity.
Our duty is to learn from it, accept it and choose different for the next moment. But in the present moment accept it as it is. Whatever you focus on grows bigger, therefore whatever you resist persists.


Before you act, calculate everything, why you are acting and for what goal. During the act, just enjoy the process with full presence, infusing your passion into it, because emotion is what moves you from dependency on external validation. After the act, let go. Be detached and move onto the next act. Don’t occupy your thinking with the result at the present moment. Your action was necessary only before and during performance, not afterwards. Things will fit together on their own for the best outcome.

Detaching yourself from results gives you freedom to follow your inspiration and overcome the paralysis of doubt that later weighs you down with regrets. When you have nothing fixed as an outcome in the present moment of Now, no one can hold you hostage, even your own doubtful mind. You give no power to external influences, not even to your self-preoccupation of fear-crisis-striving for what is next. You begin to have life full of energy, creativity and enthusiasm, life free from regrets.